We are attending the 20th exhibition of precious and semi-precious Stones - Mineral EXPO Zagreb, which will take place from 18th to 20th of May at Dom Sportova, Zagreb. It is the largest traditional EXPO in Croatia, bringing together many local and foreign exhibitors, geologists, collectors, and Spiritual people from around the world.
7. 5. 2023

Association is attending the 11th annual expo of alternative medicine Altermed from 13th to 15th ofMarch 2015 in Celje Slovenia. Altermed fair host more than 20.000 visitors in 3 expo days. Association Moldavite will exhibit a large collection of rare healing meteorites from all the continents, healing Mandalas made with freehand, Palo Santo - Hollywood from South America (Colombia), hand made Boomerangsand other esoteric and aerodynamic products.

Dear members, supporters, and meteorite lovers,
We thank you for your personal visit and support at one of the most beautiful alternative medicine fairs in Slovenia. We wish you, that you create strong connections with your new stones.
From our hearts,
Moldavite Association
We are on an expedition in South America until the 2th of April 2015.
From our Hearts,
Moldavite Association team
We inform you, that we are on an expedition in Asia until the 2nd of May 2015. In this time we will not be able to send stones through post office but you are most welcome to visit us personally in the Association's main office in Ljubljana Slovenia.
Kind regardes,
Moldavite Association team

Honorable members, supporters, and StarStone lovers,
we welcome you to 43. international days of minerals, fossils, and the environment from 9th of Mayto 10th of May 2015 in Hall of Trziskih olimpijcev, Trzic Slovenia EU. Association will exhibit one of the world's biggest Star Stone collections. You can find more information's on the mineral expo official web page:
See you there.
Moldavite Association team

Dearest members, supporters, and meteorite lovers,
the Association participates in the 17th International Fair of precious and semi-precious stones - Mineral EXPO Zagreb, Croatia. The fair will be held from 16th to 17th May 2015 at DomSportova hall. Mineral EXPO is the biggest traditional fair in Croatia. More information can be found on the fairs official website:
Warm regards,
Moldavite Association team
Dearest members and supporters of the Moldavite Association,
Thank you for your participation and support in the biggest international fair of precious and semi-precious stones in Croatia. Together we have created new concentric circles of love in the Light Human crystal Mandala. Blessing of Love and Light to all of our Brothers and Sisters in Croatia, to our whole Beloved Planet and all the Planets in our infinite Universe.
From our Hearts to your Hearts,
Moldavite Association team

Dearest member, supporters, and Star Stones lovers,
we were in a meeting with French and Russian geologists in France and we got one of the most beautiful and quality collection of Lybian Gold Tektites. We can offer you these stones on a display or you have a possibility to gain highly energetic stones that enlight your life with rays of golden light. The majority of these stones were found in geological expeditions in the seventies of the last century.
Moldavite Association team
Beloved members, supporters, and Star lovers,
we have started to raise donations to build an open terrace and a kitchen on Moldavite Association's hill farm. All who know how to handle the wood are most welcome to join us. The main goal of the project is that we can start meeting in a very energetic place in the middle of natural life. We also started raising money for expeditions in Kazahstan and Indonesia. For this matter, we have put discounts on almost all Star Stones. The discounts will last until the end of August.
If you feel that you want to be a part of our projects, you can help us out personally or donate founds on Association's account: IBAN SI56 0510 0801 3800 667 BIC: ABANSI2X. You can also send donations thru PayPal on info@moldavite.si or send us money in a priority mail (Moldavite Association, Trubarjeva c. 61, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia EU). All the donations collected from the Star Stones will be used for these two projects.
We thank you for all your past donations and various help. Without you, the Moldavite Associations would not exist.
Be blessed with the highest Light from the center of all existing,
Moldavite Association team

We have received an invitation from experienced mountaineers to attend a climbing expedition on Austria's highest peak Grossglockner (3798m). Our starting point was from the Neues Lucknerhaus at 1918 meters above sea level. The rise started by the right side of the torrential stream Kodnitzbach. We crossed the glacier Teischnitz-Kees and continued on the path to the hut Erzherzog Johann Hütte (3454m). In the hut, we put on full climbing gear and began a steep climb on the glacier Koednitz-Kees. At the top of the glacier, we put down crampons and ice axes and started climbing protected towards Kleinglockner. After 3 hours of climbing, we have reached the summit of Kleinglockner and Grossglockner where we have enjoyed the most amazing view on all the surrounding areas. The descent was performed on the left side of the glacier Teischnitz-Kees. The journey was indescribably beautiful but we recommend climbing to only very experienced mountaineers (more pictures can be found on our Facebook website).
Moldavite Association team
There are still BIG DISCOUNTS in September on Star stones (up to 60% off) and also on all other precious stones. You can find rare specimens that is very difficult to reach in Europe and also anywhere else in the world.
Discounts are in accordance with fundraising for our new expeditions on different continents and also to build a Log House with a kitchen and an open terrace on Moldavite hill farm.

Dearest members, supporters and Star stones lovers,
We thank you all for the contributions and donations in the past two months. With your help, we managed to raise enough funds for the expedition to Kazakhstan to the Zhamanshin crater. The expedition will take place from the 10th of October to the 20th of October 2015.
During our absence, you can personally see all the stones from our collections at the Association's headquarters (prior telephone reservation). Reservations of the stones are accepted by e-mail, but we can send them after the 20th of October. Internet communication will be limited due to the remote location of the meteorite crater.
Warm regards,
Moldavite Association team

We invite you to the national exhibition show "Light in the stone" where we are exhibiting rare stones from our collections. The exhibition is a part of the international year of Light 2015.
Warm regards, Moldavite Association team

Dear members, supporters, and Starstone lovers, we notify you that we have successfully returned from the remote Kazakhstan, where we had significant difficulties to get to the goal - the Zhamanshin crater. It was one of the most difficult expeditions until now. Our journey started in the city of Astrakhan (Russia), which lies along the Caspian Sea. We had to drive 1350km deep in Kazakhstan. The expedition was badly strenuous and dangerous as the roads in Kazakhstan are in very poor condition, mostly without asphalt and with huge holes and damages. The distances between towns and villages are up to 300km. After two really difficult days of driving, we arrived in town Irgiz that lies nearest to the crater (approx. 70km). We were very exhausted from driving and very dirty as there is no clean water on the way to wash our selves. Through the night we stayed with the locals, which accepted us very warmly and offered us everything - free information, accommodations, food, water, help with official matters, etc. Notwithstanding their modest way of life, their hospitality is something that we will always remember in our HEARTS. For them, the traveler or guest is like a family and needs to be treated as a Beloved BROTHER or a SISTER and we were treated in that heavenly manner. The next day we continued our journey to the center of the crater, with the help of a shepherd who grazes his horses in the Zhamanshin area pastures. The crater has an inner circle in diameter of 7km, and an outer circle in diameter of 14km. From the main road, the path branches off in the middle of nowhere and runs along a very dangerous steppe road for 24km. Many times we had to tack up to 2m deep channels, which took us almost a whole day. Late in the afternoon, we arrived at the center of the huge crater, where we had only 24 hours left to search for the stones. The energy in the crater is amazing. In certain areas, we felt tingling through the body and heard a continuous high-frequency sound. At night we stayed in the car, as there are wolves present in the whole area of the crater. It was also unenviable -7 degrees celsius during the night and during the day and up to +3 degrees celsius. At night we had some very vivid, lucid dreams with messages. The next day we walked great distances in search of stones through accurate information and Divine assistance. We completed our task of searching the stones successfully as we have found Irgizites that have never been seen worldwide. Irgizite is a special stone and is different from other Tektites by the shape and vibrational energy. Also, Irgizites were not airborne shaped (you can read about his energetic influence on web-page "Irgizite" on our website). Before leaving crater we build two small rocky peaks at the two different crater hills called "uncles". We build these stone structures in our beautiful mountains and if you go hiking you can find them anywhere in the Alps. With this, we made our signature in this foreign land. The path back to the city Astrakhan was very difficult because we had problems with terminators and stabilizers on our SUV chassis.
Throughout the expedition, a Good FATHER, who is the center of all life, watched over us, protected us, and showed us the path on which we had to travel. In the universe, where everything works in perfect mathematical order, coincidences don't exist but everything has it's purpose and objective, as was meant for us to walk this hard path, on which HE was present with us all the time... HE who is the source of all LIGHT and HEAT in all infinity.
With love to all our loved ones,
Moldavite Association team
We are publishing some photos from the national exhibition "Light in the stone" where we have exhibit stones from our collections. The exhibition is a part of the international year of Light 2015.
Warm regards,
Moldavite Association team

We inform you that we will participate in a big 44th annual Paris Mineral Show (all about gemstones), which will take place from 4th to 6th of December
2015 in the " Espace Charenton" Paris, France. The organizers invited
us mainly because of our unique and rare collections of Star
stones from all around the world. Each year the fair has
approx. 5000 visitors. We will be located in an area
where you can find only expensive collectible
types of crystals, jewels, and minerals.
We warmly invite you to visit us,
Moldavite Association team

We publish some photos from the international Paris Mineral Expo 2015. We are grateful to all of our members and supporters who have helped us arrange exhibition place, especially for their quick response and HEARTFUL help. We are also very grateful to the organizers of the Expo, who always helped us and attended to all of our needs. We send regards and blessings to all our new supporters and members from France, Spain, Morocco, and the United States as well to all other people from all around the planet and all the planets in all eternity.
With love from the Warmth of our HEARTS,
Moldavite Association team
We are happy to announce that we will participate in the biggest annual Mineral show in the world in Tucson, Arizona USA. You are most welcome to visit us at Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show in Hotel Tucson city center from the 30th of January to the 13th of February 2016. We will exhibit all of our finest Starstone collections. In this time will also perform an expedition to the desert to look for very rare Saffordites. During our absence the web and phone communication are possible but we will be unable to send the stones via the post office. You can make a reservation of individual stone until our arrival on the 20th of February.
Warm regards from Arizona,
Moldavite Association team

We would like to notify you, that we have returned from a very demanding expedition in Arizona. We went there to participate in the biggest Mineral show in Tucson which lasted one month. At the end of the show, we only had a couple of days left to look for very rare and precious Saffordite Star stones. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the organizers of Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show, Martin Zinn Expositions L.L.C. who accepted us with open HEARTS and helped us solve all obstacles and difficulties on our path, which were not small. For us, they even had a special understanding which is very rare nowadays. We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to all our members and supporters. Without you, this expedition would be impossible. At the end, we were most fortunate in looking for Saffordites. Because of the desert heat during the day we were only able to look for them in the mornings and evenings in an area of 100m2 kilometers. Sometimes we had to walk a couple of kilometers away from the car to look for them on different challenging paths with the company of coyotes, bobcats, and different snakes and reptiles. It was also very difficult to find the right location because the area of fallen Saffordites (approx. 30 million ago) is huge. With the help from home and with the Divine support we were able to collect over 1 kg of these beautiful, rare, and energetically very efficient Star stones which some call Cinta Mani. We are now able to lower the value of the stones for all members and supporters of the Moldavite Association. At the time of the expedition, we have established many new contacts and gained a lot of new supporters. Because of all unexpected events associated with many difficulties which were all solved with Divine luck, this was the longest and most difficult path till now.
Beloved members, supporters, BROTHERS, and SISTERS, THANK YOU for all of your beautiful thoughts and Blessings that were really needed on this expedition.
Kind and Heartful Regards and the Blessing of the Highest LIGHT to all of you may always feed your HEART and HEARTS of all who surround you.
Moldavite Association team

We will participate in the 47th annual Bologna Mineral show, which will take place at Unipol Arena from 4th to 6th of March in the old medieval town Bologna, Italy. The show is one of the biggest in this area of Europe and has more than 20.000 visitors in 3 exposition days.
We Warmly invite you to visit us!
Moldavite Association team
Dear members and supporters of the Moldavite Association,
Association is attending the 12th annual expo of alternative medicine Altermed from 11th to 13th of March 2016 in Celje Slovenia. Altermed fair host more than 20.000 visitors in 3 expo days and it is the most beautifully organized expo in Slovenia. Moldavite Association will exhibit a rare precious collection of Star stones and other esoteric products.
Warm regards,
Moldavite Association team

We would like to express gratitude to all members, supporters, and visitors from Slovenia and other countries who visited us on one of the most energetic alternative medicine expo Altermed 2016, Celje, Slovenia.
Thank you for all your help and your beautiful thoughts and
Blessings. Without you, Moldavite Association
would not exist.

We were invited to a TV show where we answered the questions about the Human LIGHT Mandala project and Star stones project.
Moldavite Association team
We are happy to announce that we have contributed an article about all Healing Star stones in the last edition of Karma plus.
Warm Regards
Moldavite Association team

Dear members, supporters, and Starstone lovers,
we invite you to 44. international days of minerals, fossils, and the environment from 14th of May to 15th of May 2016 in Hall of Trziskih olimpijcev, Trzic Slovenia EU. Association will exhibit one of the world's biggest Star Stone collections. You can find more information on the MINFOS expo official web page:
Warm Regards,
Moldavite Association team
We were invited in the TV show for the second time where we answered the questions about the Human LIGHT Mandala project and the Star stones project.
Moldavite Association team

Dearest members, supporters, and Starstone lovers,
The Moldavite Association participates in the 18th International Fair of precious and semi-precious stones - Mineral EXPO Zagreb, Croatia. The fair will be held from 21th to 22th of May 2016at Dom Sportova hall. Mineral EXPO Zagreb is the biggest traditional fair in Croatia. More information can be found on the EXPO's official website: http://www.mineralexpo.hr/index.html
You are most welcome to visit us.
Moldavite Association team

Dearest members and supporters of the Moldavite Association,
Thank you for your participation and support in the biggest international fair of precious and semi-precious stones in Croatia. Together we have created new concentric circles of Love in the Light Human crystal Mandala. Blessing of love and Light to all of our Brothers and Sisters in Croatia, to our whole Beloved Planet and all the Planets in the whole Infinite Universe.
From our Hearts to your Hearts,
Moldavite Association team
With great pleasure, we announce that we had a meeting in France with Russian and French geologists. We were very lucky and managed to get hard obtainable (Libya is still unstable because of the war) and high-quality collection of Libyan Gold Tektites.
I have been thinking for a long time and realized that my HEART is not free. I had created my own prison into which not a single beam of LIGHT would shine and I had to humiliate myself and go through the lowest process of love in order to repay the karma that had been following me from my past lives. To completely free one’s HEART is something nobody can fully imagine. And I asked my HEART: "What can I do that you will no longer suffer so much?" And my HEART replied: "Set me free in fullness and you will be able to see something no eye has seen before, no ear has heard, and no HEART has felt, what I have truthfully prepared for you. Look at your family and you will see that all people in this world are your family, all the children are in fact your children, and when I AM FREE completely, your family will become the whole Infinite UNIVERSE."
Onohej Zlatove
In September we have BIG DISCOUNTS on almost all Star stones from our expeditions (up to 50% discounts and more) and also on all other precious stones and esotericism. Some very rare specimens are hard to find in Europe and anywhere else in the world.
Discounts are in accordance with fundraising for new expeditions on different continents, spiritual publishing and also to rebuild a 300-year-old Moldavite Association mountain farm.
With past donations and voluntary contributions, we managed to print 6000 copies of free spiritual publications in three languages and successfully completed two difficult expeditions in Kazakhstan and Arizona, USA. On Moldavite Association's mountain farm we managed to build 1.5 km of new forest roads to inaccessible forest areas. We are gradually renovating the existing access road ( 500m). We bought a new mower for steep terrain, a string trimmer, and a renewed old tractor and BCS mower. We also bought a lot of small tools that are necessary for farm work. There are a lot of problems with the old water reservoir (it leaks) and it requires thorough renovation. It is also necessary to build a new biological treatment plant.
For the past working projects and help we are very grateful to Boris Stanko (for his help with cleaning the forest and preventing the spread of the beetle, road constructions, and the help with rebuilding the kitchen), Drago Kolenc (for his help with cleaning the forests and parks and also for lots of useful tips). We would especially like to express our gratitude to Metod Klun, who started with the renovation of the old kitchen and launched a project in which also our hardworking teenagers participated (Luka, Domusej, Alen, and Jezuselija). Also, praise to Onok Zlatoom for his dedication and care in settling the whole estate. We are thankful to Magda Praznik and Asirija Zlatibor for taking care of the household, to Klemen, Niko, Ales, and other spiritual BROTHERS from Novo Mesto for diverse aid and to Hana Hristov for her assistance and help with publishing Spiritual texts.
Heartfelt gratitude goes especially to our Donors and Supporters from all over the world, who believe in us and support us on both material and Spiritual level. Without you, all this wouldn't be possible. Above all, we would like to thank you for your help in spreading the LIGHT to all human HEARTS, all over the world to heal the Planet by strengthening our Human LIGHT Mandala.
To all of you a Big WARM HUG and Blessing of the Highest HEAVEN'S
eternal LIGHT from our Good and most LOVING FATHER.
With Love and Respect
Moldavite Association team

We have a new selection of over 70 new individual Innova Disc Golf models. You are most welcome to have a look at our web store.
Moldavite Association team

We inform you that we will participate in a big 45th annual Paris Mineral Show (all about gemstones), which will take place from 2th to 4th of December
2016 in the " Espace Charenton" Paris, France. The organizers invited
us mainly because of our unique and rare collections of Star
stones from all around the world. Each year the fair has
approx. 5000 visitors. We will be located in the area
where you can find only expensive collectible
types of crystals, jewels, and minerals.
We warmly invite you to visit us,
Moldavite Association team

An insight in Star Stones from 45. Mineral EXPO Paris show. We are grateful for all visitors and supporters from France and also we have established a
contact with Japan and soon we will present to you a Gibeon
meteorite in Japanese art. Also with the new contacts
for next year we are planning to visit Mineral
EXPO Tokyo 2017.
Warm Regards,
Moldavite Association team

We announce that we are going on an expedition to Colombia in search of rare Colombianites and we also have a meeting with local cavers. Till our return in mid-January 2017 the personal visits are limited.
Thank you for your HEARTFUL support.
Warm Regards
Moldavite team

We announce that we have successfully returned from our expedition to Colombia. After two years from our first meeting with Muisca tribe Indians we are presenting to you, something never is seen before. In the last two years of intensive search for Colombianites, the locals have managed to excavate exceptional specimens from the »Valle del Cauca« (the area around the city of Cali). The majority of new Colombianites were found during the excavation and some were found after intensive storms when rain has washed them into the surface. After the meeting with local geologists and cavers, we found out that they were created with a tremendous amount of force. Because of their unbelievable structural shapes, the scientists from the area are leaning towards the 30 milion-year-old impacts of a large meteorite on the island »Isla Gorgonilla« located in the Pacific ocean. Because of the angle of impact, the projectile drops (meteorite purified material) were scattered around the city of Cali. After a difficult path we have traveled, the Colombianites that were handed to us by a Colombian indigenous people are a magical gift of Universe meant for rare individuals to use their energy for the benefit of all living on our planet. The largest found Colombianite weighs 187g and it unbelievably resembles Cinta Mani stone in the Roerich paintings from his 5-year expedition to Asia. If you are interested in any of the Star stones from this special collection, please send us an email on info@starstones.com
Warm Regards from Moldavite team

We announce that from the original 7 Colombianite Star stones which we decided to give to the people who financially cannot afford them in 5
different countries (total of 35), we dispatched 179 Colombianites in
33 countries all around the world according to a surprisingly
large response. We have spread the LIGHT of this rare
Starstone and increase concentric circle of
To all of you Warmest Regards and
Blessing of the Highest LIGHT.
Moldavite team
The stone is really magical. I radiometrically measured it and there are amazing results. Radiostetically it has a white color, which is very interesting because colors of all other sacred stones that I so far had a privilege to measure varies. Stone is definitely from a great source and operates at the level of the divine aura, which is again very interesting. Until now I have not met with energy at this level. The highest layer of the operation I measured was at the essential level of aura. The most interesting thing is that the energy of the highest sanctuaries - energetic places like Megalithic circle Little Angel, illuminated megalithic circle Krn and the places where the Dragon tangent lines cross is about 200 million Bovis units (for example, the energy of the average human has approximately 10,000 BE units). The Colombianite according to my measurements has astonishing 400 million BE units, almost twice as much as the largest and most powerful energy sources I came across in nature. You can clearly feel it's energy when you established a contact. Thank you from my heart for giving me this Colombianite which became the part of my life and it will help me enlighten the path of other people.
Emerald - one of the most beautiful green colored Crystal on earth, excavated by the Muiscas and Aztecs who used them exclusively for spiritual purposes, highly desirable by all civilizations and cultures but its mystical location in the Colombian Mountains gives it that special feature, which stirs up spirits and wives people to seek it for thousands of years, despite all dangers they have to face.
On our last expedition, we visited 2 main Emerald mines of Colombia - namely Muzo and Chivor which are both located in remote areas of the Colombian Andes Mountain range in the Boyaca department. We wanted to know more about the mining process of this beautiful rare green Crystal, but the main purpose of this research expedition was to support local miners and not big corporations and private owners or resellers at Emerald Trade Centre.
The path itself to these remote areas is very long, difficult, and dangerous in terms of very bad roads, especially on the steep slopes of the Colombian Mountains. The reason why we call them Colombian Mountains, despite their lower altitude is that the majority of hills are incredibly steep, rocky, and branched with deep river valleys and steep peaks, which are intertwined with magnificent Colombian forests full of big waterfalls and small river beds. But the most amazing thing was to watch the games of mists above the forests, how at all times the natural spirits rise above the earth and observe all our thoughts and HEARTS.
The first mines that we visited are located approximately 10 km from a very remote and very poor city of Muso. The route took us 200 km north of Bogota, of which there was 80 km of dangerous roads. The largest mines in Muzo are owned by American corporations and private owners. The miners from the local town are mostly employed by their wealthy employers. Their average salary is approximately 250 U.S.D per month for performing one of the most dangerous jobs, with a lot of health issues and in some mines even in very low working conditions with a minimum ventilation system. We are happy that we chose to go on this expedition and purchase Emeralds directly from the local miners and thus offered them at least some help to improve their living conditions. Particularly in this area, there is a very small inquiry for Emeralds from foreigners, because in 2012 there had been a shooting between U.S. and Colombian interests, which had a significantly big effect on the state of the local population and further aggravate their already unenviable situation.
The second mines we visited are located around the city of Chivor. The road to this area is really amazingly beautiful, despite all road dangers. The city of Chivor is also located approximately 200km from Bogota but more to the northeast. Some of the biggest mines in the area are owned by the Colombian government, and some are owned by local miners, which was the best surprise on our expedition. In these mines, the miners don't have a regular monthly income, but they can keep all the Emeralds they find. Here too we have supported the local population by buying Emeralds from them. They expressed their gratitude in the best possible way - they took us on a tour of two mines where we learned from first hand how the mining processes take place.
On your last expedition, we managed to get some very beautiful specimens of this rare and very powerful Crystal, which you can see on our websites, and also in this manner, we managed to maintain it's innocent beauty and essence of purity.
Onohej Zlatove

We announce that we are currently located in Arizona USA. For the next 14 days, you will be able to find us exhibiting in Arizona Mineral and Fossil show 2017. This year the organizers surprised us with a new exhibiting location in the lobby of Hotel Tucson City Center (look for Star Stones near the entrance to the pool). The main goal of the expedition is to search for very rare Saffordites in the Arizona desert near the second-largest Space observatory in the world (Mount Graham International Observatory - 3300m). Personal visits to the Association's headquarters are limited till the 20th of February.
Warm Regards
Moldavite team

On the 13th of February 2014, we have established the MOLDAVITE – Association for raising Awareness and Healing the Planet. Our beginning was without any financial resources, we only had our HEARTS, which were directing us that we have insisted on all difficult situations with our unwavering faith, and with the help of STAR STONES. The path that we had to walk was very hard. Three years have passed from Ljubljana’s Central Market to the most prestigious exhibition of Crystals in the USA.
In three years we have performed research expeditions in Thailand, Philippines, Kazakhstan, twice in Columbia, twice in Arizona, two meetings with Geologists in France, one in Germany, and 14 times in the Czech Republic. We were exhibiting STAR STONES: 3 times in Trzic, 3 times in Celje, Koper, 2 times in Ljubljana, Gornja Radgona, Lipica, Opatija, 3 times in Zagreb, Belgrade, Bologna, Verona, 2 times in Paris and 2 times in Tucson.
We were invited to exhibit our STAR STONES for the International Year of LIGHT 2015 in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History and at the International Yoga Conference. We also participated in various roundtable discussions and television shows.
In 2014 we designed Moldavite Association’s website in 3 languages which were redesigned in 2016. We have 3 websites in 3 languages on FB social network, we've also established websites on Google +, Instagram, and Twitter. At this moment there are more than 26 000 people following us from all over the world.
We are very pleased that we have managed to publish 90 spiritual texts in Slovenian language (from authors - Jakob Lorber and successor of his works - Gottfried Mayehoffer), 87 spiritual publications in English language and 15 spiritual publications in Croatian and Serbian language.
We are slowly renewing Moldavite Association’s nature estate, which in the future (when conditions will permit) will become a meeting point of soulmates.
The objectives for the coming year are written in the STARS and we will keep you updated on all our activities.
Sincere HEARFUL regards and Blessing from Slovenia.
Moldavite team
46. MINFOS 2018
We announce that will participate in traditional international days of minerals, fossils, and the environment from 12th to 13th of May 2018 in Mountain village Trzic, Slovenia. It is the oldest international exhibition show in Slovenia, bringing together numerous European researchers, geologists, collectors, spiritual people, and enthusiasts of Pure, Natural Crystal Energy. This year we will exhibit extra showcase within the Pavilion exhibition of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History and we will also present rare Irgizites found from the latest 2018 expedition in Zhamanshin crater, Kazakhstan.
Welcome to the Mysterious World of Energetic Crystals.
We inform you that we have successfully returned from an expedition in Arizona 2017. First of all, we would like to express our deep gratitude to the Zinn family and the whole Azirona Mineral and Fossil show team which made sure that we had all the resources available to carry out our work. We would also like to express gratitude to all the field researchers from the University of Arizona and Texas, who provided us with support during the show. Also, a special thanks to all the visitors that repeatedly surprised us with their HEART acts through which a very special magical energetic connections were created. Also deep gratitude to all of you who during our absence supported us through social networks and provided us with your positive HEART thoughts given to us when we needed them the most. The search for Saffordites was very difficult because there were strong winds and desert storms with low temperatures but we were still successful despite all the difficulties that we had to face. During the show, we had a privilege to intervene at the handover of the biggest Colombianite and Safffordite in the world, which have museum-grade value.
Sincere HEARTFUL Regards from
Moldavite team

We invite you to personally visit us at one of the most beautiful expos of alternative healing in Europe. This year the expo is moving to the biggest hall of the Celje showground and you can find us in a new location in the center of the hall. The expo is happening form 10th to 12th of March in Celje Slovenia.
Warm Regards
Moldavite team

An insight from Altermed 2017. We would like to express our Gratitude to all the visitors, our Spiritual BROTHERS, and SISTERS who came to
see us and accepted Star Stones on and in their HEARTS.
Warmest Regards to All from Moldavite team
We announce that we are going on a research expedition in 700.000 years old Darwins crater in the Tasmanian rainforest from 15th to 30th of March 2017. This expedition is one of the hardest so far. Currently, there is summer in Tasmania but this is an island of South Australia where the weather is quite unstable (a lot of rainfall), mainly due to the proximity to the South Pole. The biggest problem we will have to face is 3.5 km of overgrown and difficult swampy rainforest access to the Darwins crater. Other problems are two species of poisonous black snakes, leeches, and mosquitoes. We will try to film our expedition (experimental) with a camera because until now no one managed to do it. During our absence, we will be unreachable on the Association's phone number and also we will have limited access to the internet.
Warm Regards and Blessing from
Moldavite team

We invite you to watch our video from a research expedition in Tasmania, where we visited the 700,000-year-old Darwin Crater (for quality
the view we recommend that you set your YouTube player
on 1080p HD resolution).
Warmest Regards to All from Moldavite team
45. MINFOS 2017
We invite you to visit us at the 45th International Days of Minerals, Fossils, and Environment, which will traditionally take place on 13 and 14 May in Trzic, Slovenia EU. It is the oldest international EXPO in Slovenia, which unites the majority of domestic and many foreign researchers, geologists, collectors, spiritual people, and lovers of clean, natural energy.
Warm Regards
Moldavite team
We invite you to visit us at the 19th Zagreb Mineral EXPO, which will take place this weekend from 19th to 21th of May at Dom Sportova. It is the largest international EXPO in Croatia, which unites the majority of ex-Yugoslavian and many foreign collectors, researchers, geologists, and lovers of pure Spiritual Energy.
Warm Regards from Moldavite team

We have managed to design and customize the English and US website for smartphone and tablet users (Android, iPhone IOS). The website is currently partially interactive, but we will make upgrades to full interactivity in the near future.
Huge post-season discounts of Star Stones
At the end of the summer, we have reduced the value of all Star Stones. The campaign is aimed at collecting donations for the promotions of Spiritual Awareness and for expeditions in Libya and Kazakhstan.
(For quality HD video viewing, we recommend that you set your Youtube player on 1080p HD mode).
We will participate in the largest international mining & quarrying conference and EXPO in the Middle East. The show will be held from 2 - 3 of October 2017 at the International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Dubai.
Short video summary of our participation in the largest mining conference and exhibition for the Middle East, Africa, Central, and South Asia - The Mining Show Dubai 2017 - United Arab Emirates (for quality viewing we recommend that you set your YouTube player on 1080p HD mode).
We are informing you that the Moldavite Association is moving it's headquarters from October 17 to October 24, 2017, to the new office on Vilharjeva street 48 in Ljubljana (Situla). Personal visits will be limited between these dates. After October 24 you are welcome to visit us in new premises.
Kindest Regards,
Moldavite Association team
Chamber of Commerce & Industries
31st October 2017
Abu Dhabi
Short video presentation of our Association in Aspire World Investments LLC summit in Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industries UAE on 31th of October 2017.
For quality viewing, we recommend that you set your YouTube player on 1080p HD mode.
We are participating in the biggest international mineral show in Japan Tokyo Mineral Show 2017. The exhibition will be held from the 30th of November to the 4th of December 2017 at Sunshine City International Congress Center, Tokyo.

We are currently on Expedition in Egypt where we had a meeting in Cairo with world-famous Egyptian geologist Dr. Aly A. Barkat. We will do our research and travel to the western part of Egypt, near to the Great Sand Sea desert (Libyan Desert) to multiple locations. There is currently a big security issue in this part of Egypt because of the constant attacks on the Egyptian police in the last 10 years. The main reason why we are doing this Expedition is to gather information for international scientific research of different types of Tektites (Libyan Gold Tektites) in association with the University of Ljubljana and Museum of Natural History Ljubljana. At the time of the Expedition, the personal visits in the Association's headquarters will be limited and we will be available only thru e-mail.
Moldavite Association team

We are returning to Colombia with the primary goal of finding very rare and beautiful Colombianites and collecting data for the scientific research of Tektites, which we are preparing together with the University of Ljubljana and the Slovenian Museum of Natural History. At the time of our research expedition, visits at Association's headquarters will be limited and we will be available only through social networks and/or e-mail.
Moldavite Association team
We are pleased to announce that this year we are returning to Tucson (Arizona, USA) to the most prestigious Mineral EXPO in the world, where one of the largest and oldest festivals of Minerals and Crystals will be held for one month. Tucson unites exhibitors, collectors, and Crystal enthusiasts, and above all Spiritual people from all around the world, in more than 50 locations. We are pleased that we are traditionally attending one of the oldest and most prestigious Exhibitions at the Hotel Tucson City Center. If you decide to visit Tucson from January 27 to February 10, you can find us in the Hotel's lobby at the exit to the inner courtyard.
HEARTFELT Regards and see you soon.
Moldavite team

4th anniversary of
On the 13th of February 2014, we have established the MOLDAVITE – Association for raising Awareness and Healing the Planet. Our beginning was without any financial resources, we only had our HEARTS, which were directing us forward, to insist on all difficult situations with our Unwavering Faith, and with the help of STAR STONES. The path that we had to walk was very hard. Four years have passed from Ljubljana’s Central Market to the most prestigious Crystal exhibitions in the USA, Japan, France, and United Arab Emirates.
In 4 years we have performed research expeditions in Thailand, Philippines, Kazakhstan, three times in Columbia, 3 times in Arizona, Egipt, 2 meetings with Geologists in France, one in Germany, and 19 times in the Czech Republic. We were exhibiting STAR STONES: 4 times in Trzic, 4 times in Celje, Koper, 2 times in Ljubljana, Gornja Radgona, Lipica (Slovenia), Opatija (Croatia), 4 times in Zagreb (Croatia), Belgrade (Serbia), Bologna (Italy), Verona (Italy), 2 times in Paris (France), Tokyo (Japan), Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) and 3 times in Tucson (Arizona USA).
We were invited to exhibit our STAR STONES for the International Year of LIGHT 2015 in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History and at the International Yoga Conference. We are currently exhibiting Star Stones from February to October 2018 in the Museum of Natural History Ljubljana (in cooperation with Ministry for Culture and Faculty of Ljubljana). We are also preparing a comparative international study of all types of Tektites in cooperation with the Museum of Natural History and the Faculty of Ljubljana. We've participated in various roundtable discussions and television shows and have filmed and published 3 videos from our expedition in Tasmania, Mining show in Dubai, and Aspire Investment meeting in Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce (YouTube channel).
In 2014 we designed Moldavite Association’s website in 3 languages which were redesigned in 2016. We have 3 websites in 3 languages on Facebook. You can also find us on Google +, Instagram, and Twitter. At this moment there are more than 39.000 people following us from all over the world.
We are very pleased that we have managed to publish 121 spiritual texts in Slovenian language (from - Jakob Lorber and the successor of his works - Gottfried Mayehoffer), 116 spiritual publications in English language and 33 spiritual publications in Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegro and Macedonian language.
We have invested €29,409.41 for promotions of Spiritual publications and have reached 5 million people worldwide.
The project of renewing Moldavite Associations farm has sadly been put on hold because we lack the founds and our main priority is the promotion of Spiritual publications but we won't stop trying to establish a radiation-free area where everything has begun and where people who use and wear Star Stones from all over the world will be able to meet. The outcome for the future is written in our HEARTS and we will keep you updated on all our activities.
Your Trust and Support is much appreciated so please receive
our HEARTFELT Regards in the SPIRIT of
Moldavite Association team

Slovenian Museum of Natural History
In cooperation with the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, the Ministry of Culture, and the University of Ljubljana, we have prepared an exhibition: STAR STONES – TEKTITES. The exhibition will take place on the 1st floor of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History from the 6th of February to 1th of October 2018. The official opening of the exhibition with a short presentation will take place on the 8th of March 2018 at 6 pm. Just two days after the opening (February 8th), the exhibition was visited by more than 9000 visitors. You are most kindly invited to visit the exhibition.
Moldavite Association team

We are participating in the 14. Altermed EXPO which will be held on the 17th and 18th of March in Celje, Slovenia. Moldavite Association will exhibit rare Earth and Star Stones as well as rare natural incenses and other Esoteric accessories.

After the third successful expedition in Colombia, we are pleased to present a new collection of very rare Colombianites, which we exchanged with the locals for the Moldavites. This is Cinta Mani stones from Sanskrit, whose prophecy is written in both Buddhism and Hinduism. According to the ancient writings, this is one of the four relics which were given from the sky to the people, to gain God's Mercy overall Life surrounding them. In Tibet, the power of this stone brought Dharma among the people, which means the CENTER OF INFINITY. In the western world, it is called the Stone of Wisdom or "Philosopher's Stone", which has been searched by all alchemists since the beginning of time, but the Stone of Wisdom can not be found if you do not search it inside. Cinta Mani helps you to change from the external to the inner search of the truth. The Stone of Wisdom or Philosopher's Stone is in reality build-out of human tears of recognition, and according to the Cinta Mani prophecy the energy will shift when the stones will be scattered among the people, and the whole world will cry over itself in the recognition of its own weaknesses.
Onohej Zlatove
We announce that we have decided to give away 33 Tektites from our expeditions in Asia and Indonesia. We would like to give them to the people who are without financial income or the income is too low that they could afford this rare Starstone. Tektites are the most powerful protection against all types of negative energies and they bring back inner balance. They also establish a financial balance and are therefore suited for people who are facing serious problems in this area. Each person asking for them should decide according to his Conscience and HEART. We would also like to ask the first 33 people who will respond to this message to write to us their address in private message.
Warm Regards and BLESSING from Moldavite team
We announce that from the original 99 Tektite Star Stones which we decided to give to the people who financially cannot afford them in 9 different countries, we have dispatched 298 Tektites in 43 countries all around the world according to a surprisingly large response. We are grateful to all who shared with us their difficult life paths and situations. Since this was a fairly large financial expense for our Association, we will have to postpone the expedition to Libya but will proceed with the second expedition to Kazakhstan. To all of you who wrote to us: we are supporting you in SPIRIT and wish that you strengthen the inner power, optimism, and motivation and gain back the LOVE which is the fundamental driving force of every human being.
From our HEARTS,
Moldavite team

We are performing the second expedition in remote 900.000 years old Zhamanshin Krater in Kazakhstan with the intention of finding very rare Irgizites. The research expedition will last three weeks. At the time of our (partial) absence, the Association will operate normally (except Unique Stone Binding) and you can reach us thru all our contacts.
Moldavite team
In June 2018 we were on a research expedition in Burma (Myanmar), where we were trying to find very rare natural Sapphires and Rubies. Due to high political instability, it's prohibited for all foreigners to visit the Mogok area (over 1,000 years old mines). It's also illegal to bring precious Stones out of the county without official permission. With lot's of complications and with the help of the local people, we've managed to meet with some of the owners of the mines at the border of Mogok and by pure luck came to obtain some very beautiful and rare natural and untreated Rubies and Sapphires, which you will have the opportunity to see on our web pages.

Big discounts on Star Stones
In September 2018 we've begun with huge DISCOUNTS on all Star and Earth Stones collected during Moldavite Association expeditions down to -50% and more. There are very rare types and collectible Stones available that are difficult to come by anywhere in the world. The SALE is being carried out in accordance with raising donations for the basic non-profit purpose and function of Moldavite Association on a worldwide level, execution of new research expeditions to remote Asteroid strewn fields, promotion of existing and new Spiritual publications for raising Awareness via all mainstream social networks, new translations of rare Spiritual scriptures in different languages, printing and publishing existing and newly translated material, republishing rare Spiritual books, and gradual renovation of approx. 300-year-old mountain farm.
Since September 2017 we have managed to make a giant leap towards global recognition, for which the Biggest GRATITUDE goes primarily to individual supporters, who believe in us and support us on a Spiritual and material level. For your much Appreciated Help to spread the LIGHT into all human HEARTS of our entire Planet, we THANK YOU and are sending you the BLESSING of Eternal Indestructible LIGHT of LOVE.
Moldavite Association team
We have published the second documentary video of Moldavite Association's research expedition in Kazakhstan, where we visited very remote 900,000 years old Zhamanshin Crater (for a high-quality video image, we recommend that you set your Youtube player to 1080p HD resolution).
Moldavite Association team

2018 Collection
We present to you a new collection of Libyan Gold Tektites, of which we received some specimens as a donation personally from the world-renowned Egyptian geologist Dr. Aly Barakat. Dr. Barakat was the leading scientist of almost all major research expeditions to the very remote area of natural deposits of the Libyan Gold Tektites - including the filming of BBC's documentary and he is also one of the few people on the planet who had the permission to study the scarab in Tutankhamen's Royal Necklace. The last expedition in the Great Sand Sea desert was more than 10 years ago (before the state conflicts in Libya and Egypt began). Since then, the whole area of the Great Sand Sea desert has been closed for all civilians, and the Egyptian army is shooting at everything that is moving in the forbidden area. Two years ago, they accidentally killed the entire expedition of Mexican geologists, who tried to access remote natural deposits without announcement and permission. Today, it's very difficult to get high-quality specimens of Libyan Gold Tektites, so we are very pleased to be able to re-introduce some of these rare valuables obtained from meetings with Geologists in Egypt and France.
Moldavite Association team
Facebook Social Group
We invite you to a newly created Moldavite Universe Family Social group. This group was created to connect the whole Infinite Universe of HEARTS thru the Moldavite. The group is not meant for selling Stones but to share pictures, collections, information's, you can freely ask questions and most of all you can share your experiences with this amazing Green Stone of Universal Perfection, which Connects us All thru our HEARTS with the CREATOR of the entire existing UNIVERSE.
Moldavite Association team
We are informing you that we are traditionally participating in the 15th Alternative medicine show ALTERMED in Celje, Slovenia. The show will take place from 15 to 17 March in the hall L in Celje fairground. The Association will presents itself with rare high quality Star and Earth Stones and other Natural Esoteric and Recreational Accessories. Kindly invited to visit us.
Moldavite Association team
You are kindly invited to visit our Exhibition at the 13th Collecta show at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Center, Slovenia from March 22 to March 23, 2019. The exhibition is made in collaboration with the Museum of Natural History. You will be able to see some of our most beautiful Star Stones from all around the world and Meteorites that were found in Slovenia and Europe. Collecta brings together all the major domestic and some foreign collectors, so you will have the opportunity to see the original letters of Nikola Tesla, unused tickets to historical Olympic games, and to many other interesting historical remains. We also inform you that on March 20, 2019, we have had Exhibition Show in Milan, Italy, and in cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, we have several smaller Exhibitions in various elementary schools.
Moldavite Association team

Some excerpts from the exhibition at Collecta. We THANK YOU Very Much for your visit and BIG GRATITUDE to the Collecta organizers and the Museum of Natural History of Slovenia for an invitation and precision help with the exhibition. We invite you to traditionally visit us at the 46th MINFOS 2019 soon.
You are kindly invited to visit us traditionally at the oldest Crystal Show in Slovenia. 47. MINFOS Trzic this year is taking place from 11 to 12 May. The organizers have made an effort to ensure a rich accompanying program. Association will present itself with collections of rare high-quality Star and Earth Stones.
We THANK YOU from all our HEARTS for your visit and support at the 47th MINFOS. We Hope that your new Stones will serve their true Spiritual Purpose. With collected founds, we will continue to provide you with the Highest Spiritual Truth from the Greatest Prophet of all times - Jakob Lorber.
We wish only the BEST for every individual and all families and are sending you BIG BLESSING from the FATHER of ALL LIFE.
Moldavite Association team
The BELOVED visitor of the Moldavite Association's web-sites. We kindly ask you not to use any bad words when commenting. Keep it cool without profanity. We want to keep this group as clean as possible - like Energy coming from Moldavite.
If you want to contribute to the world Moldavite promotion for Healing The Planet you will find many quality Moldavites and many other quality self-collected Impactites at https://www.starstones.com/ or
We are financing our own expeditions and each year we go to most remote places in the world to look for Stones. We are translating into 3 languages and really doing our Best. All that we do is meant for Healing the Planet.
We are NOT supporting any kind of jewelry especially disgusting Moldavite jewelry (snakes, wrapping, earrings, rings, disgusting skulls, etc.) and NOT supporting Moldavite faceting and carvings!!! If you are looking for such the Moldavite Society group
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/molda...) which supports this lowness will welcome you with open hands. There are many other individuals and Crystal vendors worldwide mostly working for themselves and their personal prosperity and you will find genuine Moldavites and other Star Stones for similar or lower prices in all of these places and they will also welcome you with big smiles and both hands wide open.
We are also NOT supporting Moldavite worshipping, even though it is the Strongest Energetic Stone on Earth. We have the highest respect for it's the natural form and strongly Believe that the Love coming out of the Stone will win over the darkness spreading all around the world.
Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the video.
Video: Studio Unimaginable Production
Music: Tres Irmaos, Mark Mancina & Orchestra & Phil Collins
Dear supporters, members, collectors, sympathizers, and friends of the Moldavite Association, in 2020, we began to enter a very unpredictable decade, which is going to be marked by significant external and, above all, internal changes of the people and earth. We are currently in a time where we are finding it challenging to separate the truth from a lie because there is a flood of false information. In the times of high fluctuation between truth and deception, and the widespread enchanted obsession, we strongly recommend that you start to wear the Star Stones you have at home. They are the best gadgets for protection against the darkness of the evil and the invisible, against all kinds of radiation so that you may know and feel better what is right and what is wrong. Star Stones are the most powerful tools for raising intuition, for universal immune resistance, and above all, for encouraging the HEART, which must primarily be active in Understanding and LOVE for all people surrounding. Clean your Stones, put them under running cold water for a while, then leave them in the Sun to be filled with Cosmic Energy and last program them with childlike simplicity to best serve their purpose.
We recommend that you review this documentary (see the video at the start of the post), which indicates that the Coronavirus was released intentionally in Wuhan as a coverup or a disguised mask for similar disease signs caused by the high-frequency radiation waves or millimeter waves. These signs are coming to the general population on a much larger scale caused by the ultra-high frequencies of the incoming 5G network.
It is interesting to note that the epicenters of the virus are the pilot test sites of already operating 5G technologies, such as Bergamo, Wuhan, etc. These cities are among the first to implement a new ultra-high-frequency telecommunication 5G network. Not long ago, these technologies were developed only by the army as a weapon for anti-infantry ultra-high microwave strikes, anty-missile shields, etc. The 5G network is endorsed faithfully by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC - American non-governmental telecommunications agency) based on the development and recommendations by the Raytheon, a US military corporation responsible for the development and manufacture of all types of modern weapons.
The virus has it's the life span and will disappear soon, as we can see now in Wuhan China, from where it first came out. However, 5G technology will remain, spread further, leaving far more significant consequences than the Coronavirus. Due to incoming 5G technology, we need to be more attentive, and we need to strengthen the vibration of the body and the SPIRIT through HEART Energy, as well as mutual LOVE so that we can cope with all that is to come.
and we wish you all the GOOD. Take care of yourself,
and take care of all who surround you.
The MOLDAVITE Association team
Moldavite - Association for Raising Awareness and Healing the Planet
Non-profit Organization
The Moldavite Association participates in the 56th International Verona Mineral show, Italy. The expo will be held from 27th to 29th of May 2016 in the Verona fair center. Verona Mineral show is the 3rd biggest traditional fair in Italy. You can find more information on the official website:
Moldavite Association team
We are happy to announce that we have a new Esoteric product »White Lily Absolute oil« available for you. Description and value of the White Lily oil is available on the webpages »Esotericism« and »Web Store«
Moldavite Association team

We welcome you to the annual 45th Nature-Health Fair from 13th to 16th November 2014. The fair will take place at GR - Exhibition and Convention Centre Ljubljana. It's the biggest and most popular trade fair of this kind in Slovenia with over 22 000 visitors and 313 exhibiting companies from 17 countries. You will find us at the main entrance to the hall A.

Dear members, supporters, and friends of Moldavite Association,
in the second half od December 2014 you can find us every day from 12 p.m. to 22 p.m. in Ljubljana central market. All good to all and peace to the whole planet.
From our hearts,
Moldavit Association team

On 21th of February 2015, we started publishing texts on our web page to raise spiritual awareness and to show how to find the way back to your heart. We will publish texts every Saturday. You can find all published texts in our subpage "Sun Gate".

Dear Citizens of the World, BELOVED BROTHERS, and SISTERS, the official mortality data for the Coronavirus are interesting. In the last half-year, 1,200,443 people worldwide became infected with the Coronavirus, of whom 64,675 died. Looking at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and WHO (World Health Organization) concurrent data on annual mortality from influenza, we will see how low the death rate for the Coronavirus is, compared to other influenza pandemics. In 2019, 36,000,000 people became infected with the common flu in the US alone. Of these, 370,000 people were hospitalized, and 22,000 died. In the whole world, between 450,000 and 650,000 people die each year from influenza, which is incomparably more than the 2019/20 Coronavirus. Yet, there have never been quarantines, and such general panic, as we can observe today! There is something seriously wrong with this picture!
BELOVED BROTHERS AND SISTERS of the EARTH, each person has the full right to personal liberty, especially in the case of media-generated Coronavirus! Governments all over the world are seeking ways to take control of all the specters of human life (forced quarantines, forced vaccinations). They are creating an artificial crisis with the help of a virus that was triggered by the new high-frequency 5G networks worldwide. With a large number of new satellites and the increasing saturation of 5G millimeter wave towers, they created a new quantum leap in the electrification of the entire Planet's surface. As a consequence, the older people in Wuhan, Bergamo, and all over the world are showing additional health problems, leading to high numbers of complex illnesses and deaths from unexplained respiratory problems. Among other things, the Corona crisis is a cover-up for the most substantial worldwide debt, and it will intentionally accelerate the bankruptcy of national and international banks in the inevitable upcoming global financial collapse. The economic collapse will follow the financial collapse, and along with the 5G network, we will witness more misery and mortality than we can currently imagine in our worst nightmares.
In our country, Slovenia, a state of crisis, was declared on the recommendations of the EU Parlament. The basis for this is the Coronavirus, which has allowed the government and politicians to violate all fundamental human rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. According to the mortality statistics, the Coronavirus has proven to be 2x less dangerous than regular annual flu. It is forbidden for the majority of Slovenian citizens to move freely or go to work to pay the bills. Still, at the same time, the US Army freely walks between the border of Italy and Slovenia and performs acrobatics on Slovenian soil! COVID-19 is, in fact, an acronym for World US Military 5G Operation!
Many years ago, we started implementing the Greatest PLANETARY PROJECT, namely building the strongest LIGHT SHIELD, or the CRYSTAL and HUMAN LIGHT MANDALA. We started the project with the help of the Most Powerful Energetic Stones, which are remnant from massive Asteroid impacts. They are the most powerful tool. This operating MANDALA of LIGHT is rapidly spreading all over the Planet through our INNER LOVE CONNECTIONS, and very soon, there will be a Quantum Leap OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Years ago, we were well aware of what form of darkness, modern-day repression, and worldwide destruction is coming upon people from those who serve the darkness or the upcoming Antichrist, who will be the exact diametric opposite of JESUS.
The most potent natural protection against these new high frequencies of the destruction is the OPEN HEART and STAR STONES, which we carry on our HEARTS, as they prevent cardiac arrhythmia and protect our lungs from radiation. They also connect us to the Center of the HEART, where is the Home of GOD'S LOVE and the WISDOM OF ETERNAL LIGHT. Through STONES, we connect to the HEARTS of all living beings. We can all Unite with one another in the LIGHT of LOVE. This connection is called the CRYSTAL STAR and HUMAN LIGHT MANDALA. Us, SIMPLE people are creating this existing MANDALA, which will destroy all the upcoming darkness of evil, and together we will once again make HEAVEN ON EARTH.
We wish you all GOOD. Take care of yourself and all people surrounding you and Warmest Regards to your ETERNAL SOULS.
Moldavite Association team
(Graphic designer: Sompong Rattanakunchon)
We recommend you to take a look at these two short but very instructive videos of so-called modern viruses and their causative agents:

The Coronavirus spreads unexplainably, but its occurrence coincides with the startup of new 5G networks all around the world. Links below connect the outbreak of the virus with the startup dates of 5G networks by each country.
WE ASK YOU, AND PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE IN EACH COUNTRY TO SERIOUSLY begin researching the severe detriment of 5G networks. All around the world, people are getting sick in unexplained circumstances, with unexplained breading issues, and the majority didn't even have contacts with anybody infected.
In countries where 5G networks are not yet in place (North Korea, some African countries, etc., which you can see in this link:
https://www.foxnews.com/world/what-countries-have-not-declared-any-known-cases-coronavirus) there is no trace of the Coronavirus. This new 5G radiation is mostly affecting the elderly and all aged people with poor health.
The first fully covered 5G network was build in Wuhan, China, and it's been fully operational since November 1, 2019, where the Corona outbreak began. We can see a comparison between the virus outbreak (or the consequences of the 5G networks) and the dates of building and establishing 5G networks in each country:
CHINA: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50258287
AUSTRIA: https://www.rcrwireless.com/20200122/5g/austria-ai-launch-commercial-5g-network-this-week
ITALY: https://www.rcrwireless.com/20200106/5g/italian-telcos-get-ready-reach-more-cities-5g-2020
IRAN: http://french.presstv.com/Detail/2020/02/13/618603/Iran-5G-internet-network-minister-announcement
SPAIN: https://www.rcrwireless.com/20191113/5g/vodafone-expand-5g-network-spain-short-term-report
USA: https://www.lifewire.com/5g-availability-us-4155914
SERBIA: https://www.delo.si/gospodarstvo/novice/5g-v-srbiji-leto-prej-kot-v-sloveniji-260541.html
CROATIA: https://www.blog.uporabnastran.si/2020/01/27/osjek-5g-hrvaska-osjek-bo-prvo-5g-mesto-na-hrvaskem/
GERMANY: https://www.rcrwireless.com/20200102/5g/the-current-state-5g-deployments-germany
FRANCE: https://www.zdnet.com/article/huawei-to-spend-eur200-million-on-new-5g-plant-in-france/
AUSTRALIA: https://www.canstarblue.com.au/internet/when-can-i-get-5g-in-australia/
JAPAN: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/tag/5g/
SOUTH KOREA: https://www.lightreading.com/asia-pacific/six-months-of-5g-what-weve-learned-from-south-korea-/d/d-id/754562
We encourage you to start investigating on your own and also try to find links in other countries. You will soon find clear evidence and the connections between the start-up dates of harmful 5G networks and the outbreak of the Coronavirus. In some cases virus is a radiation poisoning from new 5G network transmitters, resulting in a fever, difficult breathing, dry cough, etc. The 5G networks are also the basis for human micro-chipping, new world payment methods, personal ID verification, as well as the direct control of people's thoughts and feelings by those who stand behind this upcoming darkness of evil.
At this moment, people are getting sick and dying from new 5G radiation poisoning! Leaders of each country should immediately STOP these unsafe 5G networks and ban their implementation without prior independent scientific researches on the health effects of 5G millimeter waves.
In the video below, you will see how the US Senator asked responsible for 5G technology to present independent studies on human health, which they could not give him because they didn't spend a single cent for this purpose. We are all the experimental rabbits of this dangerous 5G weapon or the corporate operation COVID-19.
In all SERIOUSNESS and GOD'S LOVE towards you, our BELOVED BROTHERS and DEAREST SISTERS from all around the world.
Moldavite Association team

IF YOU VACCINATE In the first 6 years of life, your child receives the following:
•17,500 mcg 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
•5,700 mcg aluminum (neurotoxin)
•Unknown amounts of fetal bovine serum (aborted cow blood)
•801.6 mcg formaldehyde (carcinogen, embalming agent)
•23,250 mcg gelatin (ground up animal carcass)
•500 mcg human albumin (human blood)
•760 mcg of monosodium L-glutamate (causes obesity & diabetes)
•Unknown amounts of MRC-5 cells (aborted human babies)
•Over 10 mcg neomycin (antibiotic)
•Over 0.075 mcg polymyxin B (antibiotic)
•Over 560 mcg polysorbate 80 (a carcinogen)
•116 mcg potassium chloride (used in a lethal injection)
•188 mcg potassium phosphate (liquid fertilizer agent)
•260 mcg sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
•70 mcg sodium borate (Borax, used for cockroach control)
•54,100 mcg of sodium chloride (table salt)
•Unknown amounts of sodium citrate (food additive)
•Unknown amounts of sodium hydroxide (Danger! Corrosive)
•2,800 mcg sodium phosphate (toxic to any organism)
•Unknown amounts of sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (toxic to any organism)
•32,000 mcg sorbitol (Not to be injected)
•0.6 mcg streptomycin (antibiotic)
•Over 40,000 mcg sucrose (cane sugar)
•35,000 mcg yeast protein (fungus)
•5,000 mcg urea (metabolic waste from human urine)
•Other chemical residuals
Link's to CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and other official websites, where you will find all the data from this post:
BELOVED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE ASK YOU to look at this interview, which talks about the documents published by NASA on their website in 2001, how international bankers from the Bilderberg Group will take control of all countries and people in the world. It talks about how they plan to destroy humanity through vaccination and disease engineering, through food poisoning and starvation, how they will take control of the governments and kill us with telecommunications frequencies, poison us with micro dust, which they legally drop from airplanes, etc. In the interview, we can see the entire plan of the destruction of the entire human race.
In 1954, Bilderberg's group of the most influential bankers (the lowest fascist group of people or the world's elite trying to impose a new world order) made a war plan at the first meeting against all the inhabitants of our planet. What they failed to do in World War II, they continued with the political, financial, and economic takeover of the world. It is the lowest elite of human Demons who believe they are gods. Their pagan symbol or satanic sign is the open eye of the Egyptian slave-owning god Horus. Their paganism has survived in the Satanistic Kabbalah. We can also see it at the top of the pyramid of the dollar banknote (pay attention to this sign because it appears in various documents and videos online, and it is also present on the Rockefeller Foundation website).
We URGENTLY need to learn about their fascist plans so we can take action before the second phase of the global enslavement and destruction of all people begins. For seven years, our Association has been planning to establish a new currency. We have prepared firm foundations and a plan because only through financial secession can we change the course of events in the world. WE ASK EVERYONE who has the interest, capability, and knowledge to join us, because only in this way will we be able to save humanity and the world from destruction.
Out of LOVE to all of you and almighty GOD be with us.❤️
MOLDAVITE - Association for Raising Awareness
and Healing the Planet

We are happy to inform you that the Moldavite Association will attend the 10th Altermed Fair 2014 which will take place in Celje Slovenia from 14 to 16 March. You can find more information at:

We cordially invite you to the fair of Esotericism in Opatija - Croatia on 22 and 23 March 2014 at the Ambassador Hotel, where the Association will present its operation, provide and exhibit rare meteorites and healing Mandalas. More information is available on the event's website:
We invite you to the 8th International Fair Collecta, which will take place at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre from 27 - 29 March. Moldavite Association will be exhibiting and providing valuable rare meteorites. More information about the Fair is available on the official website:

We welcome you to 42. international days of minerals, fossils, and environment. from 10th of May to 11th of May 2014 in Dvorana Trziskih olimpijcev, Trzic Slovenia. You can find more information on exhibitions official web page:
We invite you with pleasure at 16. international fairs of minerals, crystals, and fossils in Zagreb, Croatia. Fair will take place at Dom Sportova hall from the 17th of May to the 18th of May 2014. More information about the fair:

Moldavite Association will be part of the biggest Slovenia coastal festival "Rumena noc", which will take place in Koper from Friday 1 to 3 August 2014. Association will present it's a mission, healing meteorites, and other rare esoteric products.

We invite you to the 52. international fair AGRA, which will take place in Gornja Radgona Slovenia from 23th of August to 28th of August 2014. You can find more information on the fair's official web page:

The Day of the Lipica Stud Farm is the peak of each year's lively tourism season in Lipica and a well-known event that attracts visitors year after year. Proud and elegant steps of the Lipizzaner stallions, a look in the eyes of dark Lipizzaner foals, and an opportunity to discover the 434-year-old heritage in the relaxed autumn atmosphere. In that spirit, Association accepted the invitation to present rare meteorites, precious stones, healing Mandalas, and other esoteric products. We invite you to spend an unforgettable day on the 14th of September 2014 in Lipica.
We invite you to join us at the annual Ljubljana Yoga conference 2014, from the 3rd of October to the 5th of October in Hotel Mons Ljubljana, Slovenia. Association will exhibit collections of rare meteorites and other rare precious stones, healing Mandalas, and other esoteric products. You are most welcome to join us among the best yoga teachers in the world.

We officially started this Planetary Project in 2013. Even then, we knew very well what kind of evil is being prepared and what awaits us.
This project's ultimate goal is the general AWARENESS of people and with it the consequent QUANTUM LEAP OF CONSCIOUSNESS throughout the Planet. This largest World Project, which we launched from Slovenia, is called STAR CRYSTAL and HUMAN LIGHT MANDALA.
During this time, it is essential to have an OPEN and LOVING HEART, because it is the only mean that CONNECTS and PROTECTS us, and maintains LOVE, HEALTH, and PEACE between us. The Best Help in achieving this is the MOST POWERFUL ENERGETIC STONES, which are invaluable Cosmic tools or remnants of large Asteroids from the past. They came to our Planet with a particularly glorious purpose for this hard time of Apocalypse, which the beginning has already touched us very much.
With their Strong Aura, the Starstones open the Energetic Center of the HEART and connect humans with their CORE, where the GOD'S UNSELFISH HUMBLE AND MERCIFUL LOVE resides.
All Stones are interconnected by a high-frequency of UNDESTRUCTIVE ENERGY OF LIGHT and LOVE and scattered among the people create a WIDE PROTECTION LIGHT NETWORK. The more dispersed, the denser the LIGHT network we have been building since 2013, but now it is being built much more potent and accelerated.
When we carry Stones in the HEART area, we are a part of this great LIGHT NETWORK OF PROTECTION, which REVIVES, GUARDS, and PROTECTS us from all forms of radiation, and forces of darkness. It also protects our neighbors, animals, plants, and the entire Planet.
We recommend you to watch this video from 2017 on how Star Stones are obtained and our prediction of today's time, and much worse that will follow.
We all must UNITE through LOVE in our HEARTS into ONE GREAT HEART of LIGHT, whose INVINCIBLE POWER will be the only one to cope with all the evil and be able to overcome the darkness that currently surrounds us.
We are sending you BIG BLESSING OF LIGHT and LOVE from THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE FATHER OF ALL LIFE. We wish you all the GOOD and PEACE be with us. AMEN !!!
Warm Regards,
Moldavite Association team
It is with great pleasure that we inform you that we can offer you a new, long-awaited acquisition of pure extract of the beautiful Tuberose. You can find all information about this top-quality Absolut oil at this link:
Moldavite Association team
MANDALAS DRAWN ON STONES, created by the young artist Ema Zickar, are like Shining Planets that take us by surprise with their beauty, precision, color, and above all, pleasant Energy invested in these beautiful products. The Mandalas are in the geometry of STAR MANDALA or the geometry of GOD'S ORDER.
We decided to present these Mandalas to the general public because they are a product of excellent Patient precision and originate from the LIGHT or the CENTER POINT, which illustrate the Great Central Sun or GOD, THE FATHER OF ALL LIFE.
Like all our Mandalas, Ema also draws them with a free hand and without rulers and compasses. This type of work gives the product, extraordinary STRENGTH, RESPECT, and INNER BEAUTY, which creativity comes from the SOUL and HEART.
We have new available Absolute oil from the Queen of Flowers. Information's about this top-quality Absolut can be found on this link: https://www.starstones.com/rose-absolute
Moldavite Association team
With the Greatest Joy, we inform you that we have managed to open an online bookstore with the Best rare Spiritual Literature in the world. In the bookstore, you will find rare books and writings of the Greatest Prophet of all times, Jakob Lorber and his successor Gottfried Mayerhofer, translated into the English language. The whole world has finally gained its True Spiritual Foundation.
All the Gratitude for printing and distributing Lorber's Divine Word in the English language goes to publishing houses Lorber Verlag from Germany, Divine Word Foundation from Oregon and California USA, Mercur Publishing from Utah USA, Valkyrie Press Inc., and others.
Gratitude also goes to the translators: Prof. Dr. Hans N., Hildegard von Koerber, Victor Mohr, Violet Ozols, Hedwig Groll, Gerhard Hanswille, Franca Gallo, Hans Nordewin von Koerber Ph.D., and others who have recognized this SUPREME TRUTH, living it and helping to raise Awareness each in your own way.
Many thanks to the publishing house Lorber Verlag from Germany, which has preserved these ancient writings so they luckily survived both world wars.
Sadly many of the books in the English language are sold out. It's a big financial investment for us for reprint, but we will strive further to achieve this most important goal.
A critic once wrote: If a man would live three lives, he would not be able to absorb as much knowledge as Jakob Lorber transferred it on paper during 23 years of his writing.
Through his PURE HEART, Jakob Lorber wrote down what was dictated to him by the CREATOR himself to show us who HE is, the purpose of material, and SPIRITUAL CREATION and TRUE NATURE of GOD and man.
Anyone who would like to know GOD in TRUTH, HIS ACTIONS, and TEACHINGS during HIS time on Earth can RECOGNIZE HIM PERSONALLY only in these books, just as a sheep recognizes the voice of its Shepherd. All other paths, however, are still very far from the CORE of all existence.
If you want to LOVE GOD ABOVE ALL, you must first get to know and understand HIM. And only his children can RECOGNIZE HIM by HIS LIVING WRITTEN WORD, stored in the INVALUABLE WRITINGS and TEACHINGS OF THE GREATEST PROPHET of all times, Slovenian writter Jakob Lorber.
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Dearest Supporters, Members, and Simphatisers of the Moldavite Association, we have prepared a special offer of high-quality Absolute oils (Rose, Tuberose, Blue Lotus, White Lily) and Essential Oil (Palo Santo). Set is the primary and best base for perfume developers, aromatherapists, hypnotherapists, etc. It is also best set up for home fragrances, larger workspaces for meditation and relaxation. Concentrates give excellent results when diluted in Jojoba base oil. We can apply it in a form of long-lasting perfume and also use it as an invaluable gift to our loved ones.
The package selects the best quality Absolutes in a large quantity of 15ml. Selected Absolutes are the primary basis in the perfume industry, obtained directly by cold pressing CO2 extraction, which gives the best results of approximating the smell of a growing plant. Due to their purity, the lifespan of Absolut oil is over ten years.
The 5+ Absolute oil packages are promotionally reduced by 10%, but with the Absolut15 promotional code, as much as 25%. You can use the code to apply for an additional 15% discount at checkout when placing a new order on our website. The special offer will last until the end of the year or until the depletion of stocks.
The offer also includes individual oils, for which we have prepared a 15% discount and will last until the end of December. To redeem the value, use the promotional code: Absolut15 before placing an order.
For all other information and help, we are available at the telephone number: +386 40 611 959 or e-mail address: info@moldavit.si
You can also write us a private message on our Facebook page.
We wish nothing but the BEST for you and your Loved ones.
Warmest Regards.
Moldavite Association team

Big discount on Star Stones
In December 2021, we are offering big DISCOUNTS on all Star, and Earth Stones collected during Moldavite Association expeditions down to 25% and more. There are rare collectible Stones available in our collections that are difficult to come by anywhere in the world. For the 25% December discount, use the code STARSTONES25 when placing a new order on our website.
Thru DISCOUNT SALE, we are raising funds for the primary non-profit purpose and goal of Moldavite Association on a world level, execution of new research expeditions to remote Asteroid impact strewn fields, promotion of existing and new Spiritual publications for raising Awareness on mainstream social networks, new translations of rare Spiritual scriptures in 3 different languages, printing and publishing existing and newly translated material and for re-publishing rare but finest Spiritual books.
In the last couple of years, we have managed to make a giant leap towards global recognition. The Biggest GRATITUDE goes primarily to individual supporters, who believe in us and support us on a Spiritual and material level. For your much Appreciated Help to spread the LIGHT into all human HEARTS of our entire Planet, we THANK YOU and are sending you the BLESSING of ETERNAL INDESTRUCTIBLE LIGHT of LOVE.
Moldavite Association team
This year marks the ninth anniversary of the Moldavite Association's Star Stones. We are grateful to you for following us for so many years, supporting us in our efforts in raising Spiritual Awareness, and following posts on our websites and social networks. We started with Big spring discounts on Star & Earth Stones up to 33% and more. This extensive discount campaign will last until the end of April. To claim the deal when placing an order in the online store, use the code:
Best Regards,
Moldavite Association team
49. MINFOS - International Days of Minerals, Fossils, and Environment
Don't miss the opportunity! Join us at the 48th international days of Crystals, minerals, and Fossils in an old mining mountain village in Trzic, Slovenia, where you will have the opportunity to see our complete collections after four years. The show will be from 13 to 14 May in Trzic in the renovated BPT hall.