Bilitonite is a Tektite from Belitung Island, Indonesia. The Stones were created together with other Tektites in one of the most significant events, approx. 790,000 years ago, when the massive Asteroid collided with the earth - it is speculated that the crater is located somewhere in the Gulf of Tonkin in the South China Sea. Bilitonite is the most prized Tektite, as it is one of the rarest and, above all, the most beautiful, luminous, and purest Tektite discovered so far in the Australasian strewnfield. Its rarity is remarkable as all newly discovered Bilitonites are bought mainly by private collectors at the site. They are highly regarded by the locals of Belitung and have become the island's protective sign and most recognizable landmark. The Belitung people have built the world's most giant Tektite statue, which has become an icon of the island. Bilitonites are rarely and randomly found in tin and silica mines. Most of these mines don't have an operating license permit and operate illegally, as this is the sole source of livelihood for most local people. UNESCO law protection is being drafted, which intends to entirely ban mining on the island. Mining on Belitung goes back thousands of years to the great Chinese dynasties, who were the first to mine and discover these fantastic Stones. Sometimes five Stones are found in one day and occasionally non in several months. Not all excavated Stones come in high quality, so the most Beautiful Bilitonites are also the most prised ones.
It's an exquisite dark glossy luminous Stone with deep channel lines reminiscent of an ancient Arabic script. The more such a painting matches the cultural significance, the more the Stones are magical. The channels result from a long-term water etching process.
Indonesian people believe that Bilitonites protect them from hypnosis, black magic, and demons. That is why healers use them in therapies. If anyone gets sick, they drink water with Bilitonites. The Stones were named after the island of Belitung in 1921 by the Dutch geologist and explorer Ir. N. Wing Easton from the University of Amsterdam. Indonesia used to be a Dutch colony.
The Stones affect the lower three Energy Centers of Consciousness, as do all other Tektites from the Australasian strewnfield. Their color is orange, which exemplifies the Wisdom by which you can consciously distinguish the Good from the bad. They are the best accessory for the realization of Oneness. The dominant element of Stone is Silicon Dioxide, without which computers today would not work at all, and we couldn't call them intelligent computers. They also prevent all space, terrestrial, aquatic, and electromagnetic radiation, but only when used properly, with regular water purification, clear visualization, and the use of words with emphasis on childlike simplicity. With the help of Tektite, you can distinguish faster between Light and darkness, and it helps you to decide easier on a bright and positive path. It gives you a sense of power and great security. It is also perfect for learning, working on projects, court sessions, meetings, and serious situations.