We are very pleased that we can offer you one of the best quality resins of rare Boswellia tree type - Elongata from Socotra island, Yemen. Elongata has a very special place in the history of healing in the Arabian peninsula. Locals live with Elongata trees and are using them for thousands of years. They use resins for chewing for antiseptic hygiene of teeth and stomach, for the treatment of arthritis, all stomach, and digestive disorders, to improve memory, the treatment of skin inflammations, cleansing of wounds, her smell repels insects, and in the dry climates, resin chewing extinguishes thirst. The locals have many names for quality Etheric resins of Boswellia trees but they call Elongata "Zam'ano" meaning gum. Unlike the majority of Boswellia tree resins, Elongata completely dissolves when using a candle incense burner. It creates a strong and beautiful unique scent and has a very comforting effect. The best Etheric resins in the world are obtained from Boswellia trees that thrive in the harshest desert conditions and Elongata is one of these types. The trees grow from 100m to 650m above the sea level in remote areas of Yemen. Due to the civil war in Yemen, the amount of Elongata is very limited and intended only for the donors and supporters of the Moldavite Association.