Colombian Emerald is one of the most beautiful green-colored Crystal on our Planet. Excavated by the Muiscas and Aztecs who used it for jewelry (today it is mostly used for its Spiritual purposes), highly desirable by all civilizations and cultures but its mystical location in the Colombian Mountains gives it that special feature, which stirs up Spirits and wives people to seek it for thousands of years, despite all dangers they have to face.
Emerald is the Stone of Hearth, by which we mean universal love and forgiveness and not partnership love. It's a very powerful tool that carries hope, compassion, and harmony among all living beings. It heals the body with its green aura and brings vitality to the Spirit. Emerald is the Stone of inspiration and endless patience, the master of oneness and unconditional love.
For thousands of years, the Emerald has been the Central Stone of all cultures and civilizations. It was highly appreciated for its power and beauty. For Inkas and the Caledonians, the Emerald was more valuable than the Diamond. It was a symbol of Eternal life for the Egyptians. Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra and Charlemagne, and many more wore them as talismans.
Emerald has a strong effect on the Fourth Energy Centre (HEART chakra). It opens HEART, intensifies intuition, and stimulates psychic abilities. Emerald helps you to see the unseen, so further actions are accompanied by reason and Wisdom. It strengthens memory and purifies the taught. It’s an aphrodisiac that lifts the Energy level and affects all Energy Centres of Consciousness. If worn in the HEART area it brings emotional balance into your life.
With Emerald, we heal all problems connected with HEART, lungs, spine, and muscles. It helps to recover from inflectional diseases and eases problems with diabetes, rheumatism, and sinuses. Emerald has proven to have a purifying effect on the liver and eyesight. It has been used for curing multiple sclerosis and epilepsy since the time of Aristotle.