We are performing the second expedition in remote 900.000 years old Zhamanshin Krater in Kazakhstan with the intention of finding very rare Irgizites. The research expedition will last three weeks. At the time of our (partial) absence, the Association will operate normally (except Unique Stone Binding) and you can reach us thru all our contacts.
Moldavite team
In June 2018 we were on a research expedition in Burma (Myanmar), where we were trying to find very rare natural Sapphires and Rubies. Due to high political instability, it's prohibited for all foreigners to visit the Mogok area (over 1,000 years old mines). It's also illegal to bring precious Stones out of the county without official permission. With lot's of complications and with the help of the local people, we've managed to meet with some of the owners of the mines at the border of Mogok and by pure luck came to obtain some very beautiful and rare natural and untreated Rubies and Sapphires, which you will have the opportunity to see on our web pages.

Emerald - one of the most beautiful green colored Crystal on earth, excavated by the Muiscas and Aztecs who used them exclusively for spiritual purposes, highly desirable by all civilizations and cultures but its mystical location in the Colombian Mountains gives it that special feature, which stirs up spirits and wives people to seek it for thousands of years, despite all dangers they have to face.
On our last expedition, we visited 2 main Emerald mines of Colombia - namely Muzo and Chivor which are both located in remote areas of the Colombian Andes Mountain range in the Boyaca department. We wanted to know more about the mining process of this beautiful rare green Crystal, but the main purpose of this research expedition was to support local miners and not big corporations and private owners or resellers at Emerald Trade Centre.
The path itself to these remote areas is very long, difficult, and dangerous in terms of very bad roads, especially on the steep slopes of the Colombian Mountains. The reason why we call them Colombian Mountains, despite their lower altitude is that the majority of hills are incredibly steep, rocky, and branched with deep river valleys and steep peaks, which are intertwined with magnificent Colombian forests full of big waterfalls and small river beds. But the most amazing thing was to watch the games of mists above the forests, how at all times the natural spirits rise above the earth and observe all our thoughts and HEARTS.
The first mines that we visited are located approximately 10 km from a very remote and very poor city of Muso. The route took us 200 km north of Bogota, of which there was 80 km of dangerous roads. The largest mines in Muzo are owned by American corporations and private owners. The miners from the local town are mostly employed by their wealthy employers. Their average salary is approximately 250 U.S.D per month for performing one of the most dangerous jobs, with a lot of health issues and in some mines even in very low working conditions with a minimum ventilation system. We are happy that we chose to go on this expedition and purchase Emeralds directly from the local miners and thus offered them at least some help to improve their living conditions. Particularly in this area, there is a very small inquiry for Emeralds from foreigners because in 2012 there had been a shooting between U.S. and Colombian interests, which had a significantly big effect on the state of the local population and further aggravate their already unenviable situation.
The second mines we visited are located around the city of Chivor. The road to this area is really amazingly beautiful, despite all road dangers. The city of Chivor is also located approximately 200km from Bogota but more to the northeast. Some of the biggest mines in the area are owned by the Colombian government, and some are owned by local miners, which was the best surprise on our expedition. In these mines, the miners don't have a regular monthly income, but they can keep all the Emeralds they find. Here too we have supported the local population by buying Emeralds from them. They expressed their gratitude in the best possible way - they took us on a tour of two mines where we learned from first hand how the mining processes take place.
On your last expedition, we managed to get some very beautiful specimens of this rare and very powerful Crystal, which you can see on our websites, and also in this manner, we managed to maintain it's innocent beauty and essence of purity.
Onohej Zlatove
We are on an expedition in South America until the 2th of April 2015.
From our Hearts,
Moldavite Association team
We inform you, that we are on an expedition in Asia until the 2nd of May 2015. In this time we will not be able to send stones through post office but you are most welcome to visit us personally in Associations' main office in Ljubljana Slovenia.
Kind regardes,
Moldavite Association team
Dearest member, supporters, and Star Stones lovers,
we were at a meeting with French and Russian geologists in France and we got one of the most beautiful and quality collection of Lybian Gold Tektites. We can offer you these stones on a display or you have a possibility to gain highly energetic stones that enlight your life with rays of golden light. The majority of these stones were found in geological expeditions in the seventies of the last century.
Moldavite Association team

Dear members, supporters, and mountaineering enthusiasts.
We have received an invitation from experienced mountaineers to attend a climbing expedition on Austria's highest peak Grossglockner (3798m). Our starting point was from the Neues Lucknerhaus at 1918 meters above sea level. The rise started by the right side of the torrential stream Kodnitzbach. We crossed the glacier Teischnitz-Kees and continued on the path to the hut Erzherzog Johann Hütte (3454m). In the hut, we put on full climbing gear and began a steep climb on the glacier Koednitz-Kees. At the top of the glacier, we put down crampons and ice axes and started climbing protected towards Kleinglockner. After 3 hours of climbing, we have reached the summit of Kleinglockner and Grossglockner where we have enjoyed the most amazing view on all the surrounding areas. The descent was performed on the left side of the glacier Teischnitz-Kees. The journey was indescribably beautiful but we recommend climbing to only very experienced mountaineers (more pictures can be found on our Facebook website).
Moldavite Association team
Dearest members, supporters, and Star stones lovers,
we thank you all for the contributions and donations in the past two months. With your help, we managed to raise enough funds for the expedition to Kazakhstan to the Zhamanshin crater. The expedition will take place from the 10th of October to the 20th of October 2015.
During our absence, you can personally see all the stones from our collections at the Association's headquarters (prior telephone reservation). Reservations of the stones are accepted by e-mail, but we can send them after the 20th of October. Internet communication will be limited due to the remote location of the meteorite crater.
Warm regards,
Moldavite Association team

Expedition to Zhamanshin krater in Kazakhstan 2015
Dear members, supporters, and Starstone lovers. We notify you that we have successfully returned from the remote Kazakhstan, where we had significant difficulties to get to the goal - the Zhamanshin crater. It was one of the most difficult expeditions until now. Our journey started in the city of Astrakhan (Russia), which lies along the Caspian Sea. We had to drive 1350km deep in Kazakhstan. The expedition was badly strenuous and dangerous as the roads in Kazakhstan are in very poor condition, mostly without asphalt and with huge holes and damages. The distances between towns and villages are up to 300km. After two really difficult days of driving, we arrived in town Irgiz that lies nearest to the crater (approx. 70km). We were very exhausted from driving and very dirty as there is no clean water on the way to wash our selves. Through the night we stayed with the locals, which accepted us very warmly and offered us everything - free information, accommodations, food, water, help with official matters, etc. Notwithstanding their modest way of life, their hospitality is something that we will always remember in our HEARTS. For them, the traveler or guest is like a family and needs to be treated as a Beloved BROTHER or a SISTER and we were treated in that heavenly manner. The next day we continued our journey to the center of the crater, with the help of a shepherd who grazes his horses in the Zhamanshin area pastures. The crater has an inner circle in diameter of 7km, and an outer circle in diameter of 14km. From the main road, the path branches off in the middle of nowhere and runs along a very dangerous steppe road for 24km. Many times we had to tack up to 2m deep channels, which took us almost a whole day. Late in the afternoon, we arrived at the center of the huge crater, where we had only 24 hours left to search for the stones. The energy in the crater is amazing. In certain areas, we felt tingling through the body and heard a continuous high-frequency sound. At night we stayed in the car, as there are wolves present in the whole area of the crater. It was also unenviable -7 degrees celsius during the night and during the day and up to +3 degrees celsius. At night we had some very vivid, lucid dreams with messages. The next day we walked great distances in search of stones through accurate information and Divine assistance. We completed our task of searching the stones successfully as we have found Irgizites that have never been seen worldwide. Irgizite is a special stone and is different from other Tektites by the shape and vibrational energy. Also, Irgizites were not airborne shaped (you can read about his energetic influence on web-page "Irgizite" on our website). Before leaving crater we build two small rocky peaks at the two different crater hills called "uncles". We build these stone structures in our beautiful mountains and if you go hiking you can find them anywhere in the Alps. With this, we made our signature in this foreign land. The path back to the city Astrakhan was very difficult because we had problems with terminators and stabilizers on our SUV chassis.
Throughout the expedition, a Good FATHER, who is the center of all life, watched over us, protected us, and showed us the path on which we had to travel. In the universe, where everything works in perfect mathematical order, coincidences don't exist but everything has it's purpose and objective, as was meant for us to walk this hard path, on which HE was present with us all the time... HE who is the source of all LIGHT and HEAT in all infinity.
With love to all our loved ones,
Moldavite Association team
We are happy to announce that we will participate in the biggest annual Mineral show in the world in Tucson, Arizona USA. You are most welcome to visit us at Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show in Hotel Tucson city center from the 30th of January to the 13th of February 2016. We will exhibit all of our finest Starstone collections. In this time will also perform an expedition to the desert to look for very rare Saffordites. During our absence the web and phone communication are possible but we will be unable to send the stones via the post office. You can make a reservation of individual stone until our arrival on the 20th of February.
Warm regards from Arizona,
Moldavite Association team

We would like to notify you, that we have returned from a very demanding expedition in Arizona 2016. We went there to participate in the biggest Mineral show in Tucson which lasted one month. At the end of the show, we only had a couple of days left to look for very rare and precious Saffordite Star stones. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the organizers of Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show, Martin Zinn Expositions L.L.C. who accepted us with open HEARTS and helped us solve all obstacles and difficulties on our path, which were not small. For us, they even had a special understanding which is very rare nowadays. We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to all our members and supporters. Without you, this expedition would be impossible. At the end, we were most fortunate in looking for Saffordites. Because of the desert heat during the day we were only able to look for them in the mornings and evenings in an area of 100m2 kilometers. Sometimes we had to walk a couple of kilometers away from the car to look for them on different challenging paths with the company of coyotes, bobcats, and different snakes and reptiles. It was also very difficult to find the right location because the area of fallen Saffordites (approx. 30 million ago) is huge. With the help from home and with the Divine support we were able to collect over 1 kg of these beautiful, rare, and energetically very efficient Star stones which some call Cinta Mani. We are now able to lower the value of the stones for all members and supporters of the Moldavite Association. At the time of the expedition, we have established many new contacts and gained a lot of new supporters. Because of all unexpected events associated with many difficulties which were all solved with Divine luck, this was the longest and most difficult path till now.
Beloved members, supporters, BROTHERS, and SISTERS, THANK YOU for all of your beautiful thoughts and Blessings that were really needed on this expedition.
Kind and Heartful Regards and the Blessing of the Highest LIGHT to all of you may always feed your HEART and HEARTS of all who surround you.
Your's Moldavite Association team

With great pleasure, we announce that we had a meeting in France with Russian and French geologists. We were very lucky and managed to get hard obtainable (Libya is still unstable because of the war) and high-quality collection of Libyan Gold Tektites.
We announce that we are going on an expedition to Colombia in search of rare Colombianites and we also have a meeting with local cavers. Till our return in mid-January 2017 the personal visits are limited. Thank you for your HEARTFUL support.
Warm Regards
Moldavite team

We announce that we have successfully returned from our expedition to Colombia. After two years from our first meeting with Muisca tribe Indians we are presenting to you, something never is seen before. In the last two years of intensive search for Colombianites, the locals have managed to excavate exceptional specimens from the »Valle del Cauca« (the area around the city of Cali). The majority of new Colombianites were found during the excavation and some were found after intensive storms when rain has washed them into the surface. After the meeting with local geologists and cavers, we found out that they were created with a tremendous amount of force. Because of their unbelievable structural shapes, the scientists from the area are leaning towards the 30 milion-year-old impacts of a large meteorite on the island »Isla Gorgonilla« located in the Pacific ocean. Because of the angle of impact, the projectile drops (meteorite purified material) were scattered around the city of Cali. After a difficult path we have traveled, the Colombianites that were handed to us by a Colombian indigenous people are a magical gift of Universe meant for rare individuals to use their energy for the benefit of all living on our planet. The largest found Colombianite weighs 187g and it unbelievably resembles Cinta Mani stone in the Roerich paintings from his 5-year expedition to Asia. If you are interested in any of the Star stones from this special collection, please send us an email on info@starstones.com
Warm Regards from Moldavite team

We announce that we are currently located in Arizona USA. For the next 14 days, you will be able to find us exhibiting in Arizona Mineral and Fossil show 2017. This year the organizers surprised us with a new exhibiting location in the lobby of Hotel Tucson City Center (look for Star Stones near the entrance to the pool). The main goal of the expedition is to search for very rare Saffordites in the Arizona desert near the second-largest Space observatory in the world (Mount Graham International Observatory - 3300m). Personal visits to the Association's headquarters are limited until the 20th of February.
Warm Regards
Moldavite team

We inform you that we have successfully returned from an expedition in Arizona 2017. First of all, we would like to express our deep gratitude to the Zinn family and the whole Azirona Mineral and Fossil show team which made sure that we had all the resources available to carry out our work. We would also like to express gratitude to all the field researchers from the University of Arizona and Texas, who provided us with support during the show. Also, a special thanks to all the visitors that repeatedly surprised us with their HEART acts through which a very special magical energetic connections were created. Also deep gratitude to all of you who during our absence supported us through social networks and provided us with your positive HEART thoughts given to us when we needed them the most. The search for Saffordites was very difficult because there were strong winds and desert storms with low temperatures but we were still successful despite all the difficulties that we had to face. During the show, we had a privilege to intervene at the handover of the biggest Colombianite and Safffordite in the world, which have museum-grade value.
Sincere HEARTFUL Regards from
Moldavite team

We announce that we are going on a research expedition in 700.000 years old Darwins crater in the Tasmanian rainforest from 15th to 30th of March 2017. This expedition is one of the hardest so far. Currently, there is summer in Tasmania but this is an island of South Australia where the weather is quite unstable (a lot of rainfall), mainly due to the proximity to the South Pole. The biggest problem we will have to face is 3.5 km of overgrown and difficult swampy rainforest access to the Darwins crater. Other problems are two species of poisonous black snakes, leeches, and mosquitoes. We will try to film our expedition (experimental) with a camera because until now no one managed to do it. During our absence, we will be unreachable on the Association's phone number and also we will have limited access to the internet.
Warm Regards and Blessing from
Moldavite team

We invite you to watch our video from a research expedition in Tasmania, where we visited the 700,000-year-old Darwin Crater (for quality
the view we recommend that you set your YouTube
player on 1080p HD resolution).
Warmest Regards to All from
Moldavite Association team

We are currently on Expedition in Egypt where we had a meeting in Cairo with world-famous Egyptian geologist Dr. Aly A. Barkat. We will do our research and travel to the western part of Egypt, near to the Great Sand Sea desert (Libyan Desert) to multiple locations. There is currently a big security issue in this part of Egypt because of the constant attacks on the Egyptian police in the last 10 years. The main reason why we are doing this Expedition is to gather information for international scientific research of different types of Tektites (Libyan Gold Tektites) in association with the University of Ljubljana and Museum of Natural History Ljubljana. At the time of the Expedition, the personal visits in the Association's headquarters will be limited and we will be available only thru e-mail.
Moldavite Association team

We are returning to Colombia with the primary goal of finding very rare and beautiful Colombianites and collecting data for the scientific research of Tektites, which we are preparing together with the University of Ljubljana and the Slovenian Museum of Natural History. At the time of our research expedition, visits at Association's headquarters will be limited and we will be available only through social networks and/or e-mail.
Moldavite Association team
After the third successful expedition in Colombia, we are pleased to present a new collection of very rare Colombianites, which we exchanged with the locals for the Moldavites. This is Cinta Mani stone from Sanskrit, whose prophecy is written in both Buddhism and Hinduism. According to the ancient writings, this is one of the four relics which were given from the sky to the people, to gain God's Mercy overall Life surrounding them. In Tibet, the power of this stone brought Dharma among the people, which means the CENTER OF INFINITY. In the western world, it is called the Stone of Wisdom or "Philosopher's Stone", which has been searched by all alchemists since the beginning of time, but the Stone of Wisdom can not be found if you do not search it inside. Cinta Mani helps you to change from the external to the inner search of the truth. The Stone of Wisdom or Philosopher's Stone is in reality build-out of human tears of recognition, and according to the Cinta Mani prophecy the energy will shift when the stones will be scattered among the people, and the whole world will cry over itself in the recognition of its own weaknesses.
Onohej Zlatove
We have published the second documentary video of Moldavite Association's research expedition in Kazakhstan, where we visited very remote 900,000 years old Zhamanshin Crater (for a high-quality video image, we recommend that you set your Youtube player to 1080p HD resolution).
Moldavite Association team