Roses are deeply associated with Love, Beauty, Devotion, Joy, and Spiritual Rebirth. Rose privileged status in society has given rise to its well-deserved moniker as the world's »Queen of Flowers«. The name derives from the Latin word »Rosa«, which means flower. They belong to the family Rosaceae and the genus Rosa. Most species are native to Asia, less so to Europe, North America, and Northwest Africa. It is one of the oldest species in the world, as the oldest fossil found dates back over 50 million years. Rose is a broad genus of flowering plants (over 360 species). As a result, the flowers differ in different species. Wild roses, for instance, typically have five petals, whereas those in the Old Garden Roses and Modern Roses categories often have multiple sets of petals.
The scent of roses strongly permeated the ancient world as it is one of the most beautiful and perfect scents on earth. The first records of cultivation date back 5,000 years to the Sassanid Persian Empire, where they were cultivated for various healing purposes and primarily for oil extraction. They were also grown on a large scale by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, Chinese, and Egyptians. We find them in almost all historical records. They were brought to Europe from Syria in the 13th century, spreading very strongly in the following centuries.
Rose contains anticonvulsant, hypnotic, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. In traditional medicine, it has been used to treat abdominal and chest pain, strengthen the Heart, treat menstrual bleeding and digestive problems, and reduce inflammatory processes. North American Indian tribes used the boiled roots of the Damascene Rose plant as an antitussive. It was also used as a gentle laxative. Rose oil has been used to treat depression, sadness, nervous stress, and tension, reduce thirst, heal wounds, and heal the skin. Rose oil steam therapy is helpful for some allergies, headaches, and migraines.
We know different productions of Rose oil, but only Absolut is the one that gives the full aroma and the best approximation of the smell and healing properties of a naturally growing plant. Most oils are obtained from the Damascus species (extraction between different species does not create differences in smell and healing properties). The composition of the Rose Absolute is complex. These characteristics are reflected in its aroma and healing effects. As a natural product, its chemical composition can be affected by regional and climatic differences, such as country of origin, rainfall, sun exposure levels, and harvest conditions. The main ingredients of Rose Absolute include phenyl-ethyl alcohol, citronellol, geraniol, and nerol.
A substantial amount of roses is needed to produce a minimal amount of oil. Thus, the oil is costly, especially Absolute, which is a pure extract. Fortunately, only a small amount of rose oil is required in therapeutic preparations. Pure oil is used only in micro coatings or is rarely used in a concentrated state, as it best develops its properties in carrier oils such as almond, jojoba, and grape seed oil.
When used or mixed in products, we advise caution when dosing, as it is a pure concentrate with a highly intense smell. Dilute 0.5 - 2% of the oil in massage oil, mixed in water for the evaporator, for potpourri, as a perfume, 3 - 5 drops for a bath. E.g., it is recommended to add only two drops of Absolute in 100g of base oil for aromatherapy or different types of ointments. Add only enough to achieve the desired scent (e.g., ten drops of essential oil for the same intensity). To make a simple perfume, take 10ml of Jojoba oil and add two drops of Tuberose Absolute. Pure extract on the skin is used only in a microdose.
The Rose has a mythical presence throughout history. It is associated with the symbol of Beauty, Love, Protection, and Grace. Wherever it grows - from China to the Middle East, Europe, and America, the stories of roses in human history are closely linked. The Rose is the old Soul and has seen the rise and fall of many civilizations. Her wonderful scent and influence reigned in art, poetry, song, Spiritual rites, and her strong presence rules and will continue to rule the center of the human HEART.
The True Spiritual value of the Rose is revealed to us by the CREATOR himself in Lorber's writings:
Tears of grieving Eve behind the thorn-bush were preserved in the earth and were colored like her justified blush of shame for misusing the hallowed LOVE of Adam within her. And ETERNAL LOVE saw that each TEAR was righteous before Adam, the SON of MERCIFUL LOVE. And look, a Tear dropped on the thorn-bush that sheltered her, and this was a Tear of lost innocence. It colored the otherwise white flower of the bush, and its flowers became red as a sign of Eve's lost innocence. And though people know by now already all the plants on earth, they are not aware of their true meaning in SPIRIT and TRUTH, and they will not know and understand this until they have attained their rebirth, which is the MERCY of ETERNAL LOVE through the GRACE OF SALVATION within them. (Jakob Lorber: Household of God)