Tuberose or Polianthes Tuberosa is a perennial plant associated with agaves; extracts are a middle note in perfumery. The name came from Latin Tuberosa, which means swollen or tuberous. It contains 12 species. Tuberose is a night-blooming plant that is inherent to Mexico. Aztecs call it as Omixochitl or Borne Flower. It is an extrusive plant in Indian mythology and culture. Flowers are used in garlands, various traditional rituals, as decorations, and wedding ceremonies. It is known as Rajnigandha or Raat ki Rani in Hindi. Rajnigandha means Night Fragrant. In Bengali, they call it Rajoni-Gandha, which means the Scent of Night. In China, Wan Xiang Yu means Night Fragrance; in Indonesia, Bunga Sedap Malam refers to Night Fragrant Flower.
Traditionally Tuberose is used in Hawaii for creating leis and was regarded as a funeral flower in Victorian times. The scent is exotic, complex, floral, and sweet. Tuberose is grown in elongated spikes measuring 45 cm long, producing clusters of waxy and fragrant white flowers that bloom from the bottom towards the top of the spike. Leaves are long and bright green, clustered at the base of the plant.
Tuberose is inherent to Mexico from where it spread to different parts of the world during the 16th century. It is one of the earliest cultivated plants. Nearly 600 years ago, Aztecs were cultivating it. In 1519, the Spanish found Aztecs growing it and took it back to the old world. When introduced to Europe, it became a part of the moon garden (a collection of white or pastel flowers), which releases an intense fragrance after dusk.
Medically Tuberose helps to prevent the possibility of anemia, increases blood levels, and boosts the immune system. Tuberose flower is useful for treating and reducing cataract symptoms. It helps those who suffer from sleep problems. Above all, Tuberose Absolute scent provides calm and relaxing effects. We recommend it to anyone who is overwhelmed with work and general life activities. Relaxation can be achieved with aromatherapy or fragrance at home, with a micro application of Absolute on the carpet, body part, or clothing. When embraced by her scent, you feel very relaxed, calm, and blissful, so we also recommend it for artistic and creative activities or wherever a high degree of concentration, calmness, and inspiration is needed.
Traditionally parts of plants are used for treating acute infectious diseases and pyrogenic inflammations, swellings, and burns. They work as a diuretic and emetic antispasmodic. It is used as an aid to treat gonorrhea and treat rashes in infants. In India, they use Tuberose to treat wounds and malaria.
Absolutes have a more pungent scent than essential oils and are similar to the plant's scent in nature. Absolutes contain the plant's etheric oil and other vital components, so they are more evolved in composition and smell. Also, they are denser than essential oils and have intenser colors.
When used or mixed in products, we advise caution when dosing, as it is a pure concentrate with a highly intense smell. Dilute 0.5 - 2% of the oil in massage oil, mixed in water for the evaporator, for potpourri, as a perfume, 3 - 5 drops for a bath. E.g. it is recommended to add only two drops of Absolute in 100g of base oil for aromatherapy or different types of ointments. Add only enough to achieve the desired scent (e.g., ten drops of essential oil for the same intensity). To make a simple perfume, take 10ml of Jojoba oil and add two drops of Tuberose Absolute. Pure extract on the skin is used only in a microdose.
The Tuberose Absolute is one of the most magical and intoxicating fragrances of the Moon Garden, enchanting the atmosphere and filling it with the Royal night flower scent.