Zhamanshinites were formed together with Irgizites when a giant asteroid fell in Kazakhstan about 900,000 years ago. Speculation is that Irgizites flew from the very core at the collision couple of 100m in the air at a high angle and fell in the form of tiny droplets, while Zamanshinites were supposed to fly at a low angle and cooled on the ground. There are also some differences in chemical composition between the two, but the Zhamanshinites are larger.
Zhamanshinites are fascinating Star Stones with unique morphology. Higher quality specimens have a smooth gloss surface and a high light reflection glow with high brightness whenever exposed to the light. In this Starstone, the light is much more concentrated than in other Tektites. You can hardly see the color through the thin layer of Zhamanshinite. It works similarly to Indochinites, but its presence is much more sensitive to the individual and the environment. It gives you indescribable security in the most difficult moments or situations and makes you intensely aware of what is right and good. You quickly leave the duality and start feeling the unity of life as one big connected family of all living beings on our planet. It helps you successfully with emotional, mental, and other health problems. We recommend it to anyone who fears the future, as it gives you courage and a sense of security, from which all fears of any kind or form disappear.
The asteroid fell about 900,000 years ago and created a 2km deep Zhamanshin crater (inner circle diameter 7km, outer circle diameter 14km). The vast crater is located in a remote and sparsely populated southwestern region of Kazakhstan, in Aktobe province, near the village of Irgiz. Like Darwin's Tektites and Irgizites, the Zhamanshinites are also on the crater outskirts. On our expedition in Kazakhstan, we mostly found small specimens, but fortunately, some larger ones. Unfortunately, clean-quality samples are rare and very difficult to find, so we only have a limited edition to offer.